Accusing Each Other, US Scientists Are Still Convinced That Corona Virus Originated From China

JAKARTA - Corona virus had already existed in China before it spread throughout the world. A team of scientists from the US Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine revealed this information. They said that the virus had already spread in mid-October 2019.

"All the evidence shows that the virus is originated in China. The pattern of spread in the world is also consistent with the spread of the Chinese virus in other countries," said a representative of the research team, Sergei Pond as quoted by DailyMirror, Thursday, February 4.

These findings were revealed when a research team from WHO arrived in China with the aim of investigating the origin of the corona virus in the Bamboo Curtain country. The research team conducted a two-week investigation.

The WHO scientist will also trace various places where the Covid-19 spread began, such as markets, hospitals and other places in Wuhan. In 2019, the US State Department has reported that in the fall of that year a number of researchers began to get sick while conducting research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The US alleges that Covid-19 has been developed by China since 2016. The experiment took advantage of the bat coronavirus known as RaTG13 in January 2020.

This information is disclosed in a "Fact Sheet document: Activity at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)". The document contains various US accusations regarding the spread of Covid-19. The document also contains some research on the virus in Wuhan.

This report is the focus of research for Covid-19 after the SARS outbreak that occurred in 2003. This is because a number of animals such as rats, bats and pangolins have been studied there.

On the other hand, Uncle Sam's country revealed that WIV did not reveal more detailed information related to virus research similar to Covid-19, such as taking samples of bats from caves in Yunan province, 3 years before the study was conducted. The US accused the WIV report of not being transparent.