Inconsistent Regional Head Election In 2022 Or 2024, KPU Commissioner Suggests In 2026. The Reason Is To Be Happy And Comfortable
JAKARTA - The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU), Commissioner Hasyim Asyari proposed that the next Regional Head Election (Pilkada) to be held simultaneously in 2026.
"In the framework of organizing the simultaneous election design, my proposal is for simultaneous regional elections in 2026", said Hashim to reporters, Friday, February 5.
Hasyim said, if the regional elections are simultaneously in 2026, then the term of office for regional heads in all regions should be extended until the regional heads are inaugurated as a result of simultaneous regional elections in 2026.
"The design of concurrent regional elections in 2026 is a form of a win-win solution, makes everybody happy and comfortable, with an extension of the term of office up to 2026, and there is no need to provide an acting regional head or acting head for a long duration of time", said Hasyim.
In addition to simultaneous regional elections, Hasyim also proposed legislative elections at the regional level such as the provincial and district/city Assembly at Provincial's (DPRD) also in 2026.
Hasyim said the simultaneous regional elections have not been able to organize local government institutions simultaneously. This is because the terms of office of regional heads are still varied and the terms of which are different from those of DPRD members.
In fact, according to him, the purpose of elections is to help the government in the form of relations between the executive and the legislature. Therefore, elections are held simultaneously between elections to elect executive and legislative officials.
"The design for simultaneous regional elections in 2026 is also in the framework of structuring the simultaneous 5-year term of office of regional heads and members of the DPRD", said Hasyim.
Moreover, according to Hasyim, the largest allocation of costs for holding elections is for the honorarium of the organizers, with around 70 percent of the total budget.
The design of simultaneous national elections in 2024 (presidential, legislative -DPR and DPD- elections) and simultaneous regional elections in 2026 (elections for governors, mayors/regents, provincial DPRD, and district/city DPRD) can be more efficient.
"So far, the election costs for provincial/district/city DPRD members are sourced from the State Budget (APBN) and regional elections from the Regional Budget (APBD). Whereas the objective is to form a regional government but the source of costs is different. In the future, national and regional election financing will come from one source, namely the state budget.
In addition, said Hasyim, the workload of election organizers was not too heavy because of the division of workloads with sufficient duration to prepare for the implementation.
For information, the Election Bill (RUU) that revised the rules regarding the implementation of regional elections and elections was questioned. An option for the term of office of regional heads which expires in 2022 and 2023 to be extended to 2024 has also been proposed.
The DPR (Regional House of Representatives), in their proposed Election Bill (RUU) which they drafted as of November 26, wants the next regional elections to be normalized in 2022 (for the continuation of 2017's Pilkada) and in 2023 (for the continuation of 2018's Pilkada).
The government, through the Director-General of Politics and General Government of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bahtiar still wants to carry out the rules in Law Number 1 Year 2015 about Pilkada which has determined that elections are held simultaneously in 2024.