Joe Biden Declares 'America Is Back' In His First Diplomatic Speech

JAKARTA - The United States President Joe Biden on Thursday promised a new era after the foreign policy of his predecessor, Donald Trump. In his first diplomatic address as US President, Joe Biden declared, 'America is Back'.

In his speech, President Joe Biden signaled an aggressive approach to China and Russia, urged Myanmar's military leaders to stop their coup, and declared an end to US support for the Saudi Arabia-led military campaign in Yemen.

"American leadership must face new moments in advancing authoritarianism, including China's growing ambition to rival the United States and Russia's determination to undermine and disrupt our democracy. We must face new moments, accelerate global challenges from the pandemic to the climate crisis to nuclear proliferation", he said.

President Joe Biden's speech on Thursday was an attempt to dispel doubts, reassuring Americans of the value of a strong international approach.

“Investing in our diplomacy is not something we do just because it's the right thing for the world. We do it to live in peace, security, and prosperity. We did it because it was for our own personal interests", he explained.

Interestingly, President Joe Biden chose to deliver his first diplomatic address at the State Department. An important symbol, given that the previous president, Donald Trump saw the majority of career diplomats as his opponent.

“The American Alliance is our greatest asset. And leading by diplomacy means standing shoulder to shoulder with our key allies and partners once again", said Biden.

This speech is in line with the swift steps taken by President Joe Biden in the early days of his administration, in which he wanted to repair what he called the 'deterioration' position of the United States in the international world, by undoing a number of 'controversial' policies of Donald Trump.

President Jo Biden is known to be trying to revive the nuclear deal with Iran. He renewed US membership in the Paris agreement and the World Health Organization (WHO).