Civil Armed Groups Ready To Defend The People Of Myanmar, Military Willing To Discuss

JAKARTA - The Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) from the group that signed the 2015 National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) announced that they would stick to the NCA agreement in carrying out the peace process with the military government.

This was announced after the PPST held a special meeting in response to the Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) which carried out a coup and takeover of power earlier this week.

"Tatmadaw said he would hold talks to achieve concrete peace with the signatory to the NCA", said PPST spokesman who is also the Secretary-General of the Karen National Union (KNU) Padoh Saw Ta Doh Moo to The Irrawaddy.

"They said they would try to build peace as concretely as possible. As we pursue the NCA path, we will try to understand how they define 'as much as possible'. We have agreed to find a solution that allows all [armed groups] to work together", he continued.

Separately, political analyst U Than Soe Naing said that although PSST condemned the coup, it was likely to continue peace negotiations with the Myanmar military government under the framework of the NCA.

"While the NCA's path may work for a ceasefire, it will not solve the civil war. (The armed groups) have been fighting for federalism, equality, and self-determination. But federalism is not what they can ask of the military. The military is not a democratic institution, it is an organization that is governed by one blood, one vote, and one command, "he explained.

Previously, the PPST through two armed groups that signed the National Armistice Agreement (NCA) on 15 October 2015, the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), condemned the coup carried out by the Myanmar military. Representatives of the two groups are also ready to defend the Myanmar people.

The PPST was formed by the eight original signatories to the NCA in 2016 to open peace talks with the government and the Tatmadaw. At that time it was led by the KNU, the most powerful group among the signatories. Currently, it is chaired by the Shan State Restoration Council.

Those who participated in the signing were ABSDF, Arakan Liberation Party, Chin National Front, DKBA-5, KNU, KNU/KNLA Peace Council, Pa-O National Liberation Army, and RCSS.

During the last five years under the National League for Democracy, the PPST and the government-held four rounds of United-level peace talks called the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference and signed 71 treaties.