The Ministry Of Health's Promise Not To Be Late Again To Disburse Incentives For Health Workers
JAKARTA - Commission IX DPR asked the government to immediately fulfill the obligation to pay incentives for health workers (health workers) that have not been paid. Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, Oscar Primadi, ensured that the disbursement of the budget for incentives for health workers to handle COVID-19 this year would not experience a delay.
"I want to give confidence regarding the disbursement that is still late and so, of course, the improvements in the definition of this administration are sure that 2021 will be better," he said, in a virtual press conference on Explanation of Incentives for Health Workers, Thursday, February 4.
According to Oscar, the late payment was due to last year's settlement of incentives for health workers. So that the administration management for this year will certainly be better.
"When talking about regional APBD, we must always remind them. Even though we have continued to do this related to communication. Hopefully in 2021 there will be no more complaints about late disbursements," he said.
Furthermore, he said, his party will continue to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs in order to finalize the payment of incentives for health workers this year.
Oskar said the various efforts made by the government at this time were a form of seriousness in supporting health workers who treat COVID-19 patients.
"I don't think you are worried, friends of health workers, of course the government will continue to do things related to this payment and of course it will be allocated by the Ministry of Finance," he said.
In addition, Oscar said all health workers who handle COVID-19 both at the central and regional levels get the same incentives so that there are no special criteria or certain distinctions.
"I think there are no certain criteria so we provide not only health workers but also incentives for PPDS," he said.
Meanwhile, Commission IX DPR also urged the Ministry of Health to immediately pay for health incentives that had not been paid last year.
Member of Commission IX DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay said based on the information received by Commission IX, there were still many health workers who had not been paid. In fact, some were only paid until April. Meanwhile, May to December 2020 has not been paid.
"Whatever the reasons presented, Commission IX asks to be resolved. If there are administrative problems, it must be made easier. Pity the health workers who are currently waiting without certainty," he said.