Pro-Jerinx SID Mass ‘Lock’ The Fence Of Bali Kejati To Protest The Prosecutor's Appeal, Kejati Now On Guard

DENPASAR - The Bali Attorney General's Office (Kejati) raised their guard after the mass who allegedly refused to accept that the public prosecutor for the defendant I Gede Aryastina aka Jerinx SID filed an appeal.

"Our step is that we increase our alertness because things like this have often happened for prosecutors while carrying out their duties. We consider this a form of solidarity from the colleagues of the defendant I Gede Aryastina alias Jerinx but we are concerned about this form of solidarity", said Head of Legal Information Section from Bali Attorney General's Office, A. Luga Harlianto, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 4.

Earlier in the day, around 10 youths came to the Bali Attorney General's Office, then five people approached the gate of the Bali Attorney General's Office and put up a banner that read "Prosecutor is ignorant! Insist on imprisoning Jerinx". The video of this mass - who also said to lock the Bali Attorney General's office - has been shared on many Instagram accounts of Bali information.

Regarding this incident, Luga mentions Jerinx as a social person. This was proven by the sympathetic action of Jerinx's friends who continued their social activities even though Jerinx was still in prison.

"Don't make the social spirit of defendant I Gede Aryastina alias Jerinx to be tarnished then by this kind of solidarity. The prosecutor who is carrying out his duties as a prosecutor, in this case, carries out his duties professionally. There is absolutely no meaning of retaliation from the criminal process being carried out. Let us leave it to the Supreme Court (MA) to judge objectively", he said.

He said the action took only 3-5 minutes because after they finished taking pictures and recording videos, they left the Bali Attorney General's Office.

Previously, the Public Prosecutor who handled the case of I Gede Aryastina alias Jerinx had stated his testimony for the decision of the Denpasar High Court No 72/Pid.Sus/2020/PT DPS dated January 14, 2021, which sentenced I Gede Aryastina aka Jerinx to 10 months in prison.

The basis for filing an appeal will be presented when the memorandum of appeal has been submitted, which is 14 days after the filling.

Responding to the appeal by the prosecutor, Jerinx's lawyer, I Wayan Suardana aka Gendo, said he would appeal because in fact Jerinx did not deserve to be convicted and Jerinx deserved to be free.

"The prosecutor actually carried out a wide disparity in charges between several cases. For cases that damaged the legal system by bribing the law enforcement officials, they are charged more lightly than Jerinx, while Jerinx who actually criticized the lives of pregnant women and their babies to be not at stake because of a rapid test system, is being charged highly", he said.

According to him, the prosecutor should have been wise to see the decision of the appellate panel of judges. This is because the legal consideration of the appellate panel of judges in assessing the memorandum of appeal of the prosecutor is in fact based on one legal principle, namely that the imposition of a sentence is not for retaliation.