Central Java Movement At Home Only, The Mayor Of Solo Will Close The Selling Place For 7 Days If It Violates

SOLO - The Surakarta City Government has increased sanctions for violators of health protocols during the Central Java Movement at Home Only, which is February 6-7.

"One of them is for market traders who violate health protocols the place of sale will be closed for seven days," said Surakarta Mayor FX Hadi Rudyatmo in Solo, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 4.

In addition, malls and retail stores that also violate health protocols will be closed for one month. Furthermore, individual offenders will be sanctioned by the Condition Creation Team, which is a maximum of 8 hours of social work.

The Solo City Government continues to allow malls, retail stores and traditional markets to operate normally by sticking to the Mayor's Circular (SE) concerning Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"For malls, modern shops, retail shops are required to establish a health protocol enforcement post. They can remain open, traditional markets can also remain open and must open a post as well," he said.

Apart from that, the Municipal Government of Surakarta has banned car free days or motorized vehicle free days at any location in Solo. He said that if there was a violation, Satpol PP would immediately transport the merchandise without giving a warning letter.

"In addition, on February 6-7, we also closed tourist destinations, entertainment, recreation, discos, karaoke, which caused a crowd of people," he said.

His party allows celebration events that have already been planned by the community by adhering to the rules for a maximum of 300 guests and held in a meeting hall or hotel.

"We also appeal to the public that these two days are mandatory at home, especially for people who do not have activities to stay at home. Later there will be Linmas in the urban village obliged to control the RT / RW around," he said.