Police Determine 5 Suspects In The Case Of Fake Certificates At The Aceh Bener Meriah Education Office

BANDA ACEH - Bener Meriah Police, Aceh, named five suspects in the alleged sale and purchase of fake diplomas at the local Education Office.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bener Meriah Police, Iptu Rifki Muslim, said the five suspects had the initials AS, SM, KS, GW, and RF.

"The suspects are civil servants, and there are also honorary employees. The suspects are detained for further legal proceedings," said Iptu Rifki Muslim as quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 4.

Rifki said the US suspect was suspected of making fake diplomas. AS is also a civil servant in the Bener Meriah Education Service.

Then, the suspect SM is a civil servant in the Bener Meriah Health Office. Likewise, the suspect KS is also a civil servant.

"The person concerned is an insider at the Bener Meriah Regency Education Office who is the Head of the Planning Subdivision," said Rifki.

Next, the suspect GW is an unscrupulous honorary employee at Satpol PP Bener Meriah. Meanwhile, the suspect RF is an honorary staff member at the Civil Registry Service of Bener Meriah Regency.

"Suspect GW and suspect RF are suspected of playing an intermediary role in the practice of buying and selling fake diplomas," said Rifki.

He said that his party continues to investigate the alleged practice of buying and selling fake diplomas at the Bener Meriah District Education Office.

"There are three ways the suspect has made fake diplomas. This practice has been going on since 2019. They seem to be professionals," he said.

The first way, he said, was that the US suspect used a blank certificate at the service. The second way is to take advantage of the certificate that the owner has not taken and then change the name by dredging the name on the certificate.

"The third way, the suspect prints fake diplomas on a printer and makes it look like the real thing. So he is already a professional," he said.

From the results of the investigation, he said, the US suspect claimed to have printed 30 fake diplomas. The suspect admitted that he was assisted by other suspects in selling the fake diploma.

"The suspects are charged under Article 263 of the Criminal Code concerning document forgery with a minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum of seven years," said Rifki.