Ganjar Pranowo And Mahfud MD Ngopi Together, These Are Warganet's Comments

SEMARANG A presidential candidate promoted by PDIP and coalition parties, Ganjar Pranowo uploaded a photo of him sitting while enjoying coffee with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. The photo of Ganjar having coffee with Mahfud MD was uploaded via the Instagram account @ganjar_pranowo on Sunday 10 September.

In the photo, Ganjar is seen wearing a red long-sleeved batik. Meanwhile, Mahfud MD planted a suit. Both of them seemed to be sitting casually cross-legged, smiling.

Ganjar Pranowo uploaded the photo with the caption "Gotting with him makes the afternoon even more fun. Thank you Prof. @mohmahfudmd

Less than an hour since it was posted, the photo has been liked more than 4000 times, and has been flooded with hundreds of comments.

Netizens also provide support to both of them to become a pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024.

For example, the @niasolihah23 account which considers the two to be suitable if paired into presidential and vice presidential candidates. According to him, the uploaded photo is a code.

"Is Mr. Ganjar's signs paired with Mr. Mahfud MD? I think this couple is perfect for bringing Indonesia better," he wrote.

Likewise, the @antaronius198 account will support whoever the vice presidential candidate will accompany Ganjar Pranowo.

"One of the candidates for Vice President Pak Ganjar.. will fate unite them?.. continue to support Pak Ganjar to become RI-1 2024-2029..," he said.

Meanwhile, the @karuhuntours85 account supports the two of them to partner as presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024. The reason is that both of them have a strong commitment to fighting corruption in Indonesia.

"I really agree, Pak Ganjar and Pak Mahfud MD are the ideal partners to deal with corruption and bring Indonesia forward. Their integrity has been tested," he wrote.

As is known, Mahfud MD is included in the bacawapres exchange accompanying Ganjar Pranowo. Mahfud MD is one of the names of the strongest candidates who will accompany Ganjar in the vice president seat.