Good News For Health Workers, Sri Mulyani Does Not Cut Your Incentives

JAKARTA - The government will not cut the incentive value for health workers (Nakes) in 2021. The Ministry of Finance stated that the incentives for health workers to handle COVID-19 are still of the same value as those in 2020.

Previously, the cut in the incentive value for health workers was known based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number: S-65 / MK.02 / 2021. In the letter entitled 'Application for Extension', the incentive value for health workers to be received in 2021 is 50 percent lower than that received in 2020.

In the letter, the amount of the incentive value that was cut could even reach IDR 7.5 million per person per month. The Director-General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance, Askolani, stated that the incentive value for health workers currently paid has not changed.

"We emphasize that currently there has been no policy change regarding health worker incentives. Therefore, the incentives will remain the same in 2021 and are the same as those given in 2020", he said, in a virtual press conference on Explanation of Health Personnel Incentives, Thursday, February 4.

Askolani said the government is providing special incentives for health workers who are vaccinators for the COVID-19 vaccination program in 2021.

Furthermore, he claims this proves that the government has consistently paid attention to health workers who are at the forefront.

"So for the vaccination staff, the government will also appreciate it", he said.

The government, said Askolani, realizes that with the development of the COVID-19 case which is still very dynamic in the country, a large additional budget is needed to handle health.

For this reason, this year's health budget from previously allocated  IDR 169 trillion has increased to around IDR 254 trillion.

"This is of course with a series of health care activities and budget needs, in early 2021 the government will add a significant budget requirement from the initial IDR 169 trillion to the possibility of reaching IDR 254 trillion, our calculations are in early 2021", he explained.

In calculating the number of budget requirements, said Askolani, his party is still doing detailed calculations regarding the expenditure for handling COVID-19 which is still moving dynamically. The government also continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Health.

"The government sees end to end how to carry out handling activities but then also monitors and evaluates so that adjustments are possible, for handling can be done consistently and well", he said.