The Evidence Is Clear, Benny Tjokro's Reporting To Jiwasraya Impressed Odd

JAKARTA - The suspected corruption suspect Benny Tjokrosaputro reported the President Director of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya Hexana Tri Sasongko, on charges of slander related to the case that charged him.

The reporting is also registered under the number LP / 1250 / II / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ / February 24. So, the reported party was suspected of Article 311 concerning Slander.

Benny Tjokrosaputro's attorney, Muchtar Arifin, said that the report was based on Hexana's statement regarding the total state loss amounting to Rp13 trillion from Jiwasraya's default, during a hearing at the DPR RI building.

In fact, the shares in Jiwasraya are not only owned by Benny Tjokrosaputro as the President Director of PT Hanson International TBK because there are shares from other parties. So, Muchtar thought that the statement had an impact on the position of his client as if he were the main perpetrator or suspect in the corruption case.

"This is a scenario that we think is quite a burden for our clients. The scenario carried out by the big powers outside is deliberately made like that," Muchtar said in Jakarta, Monday, February 24.

With this scenario, continued Muchtar, later only his client will compensate for all losses from the actions of the parties involved.

"Our client Benny has a lot of assets. It is hoped that by being positioned like that, all state losses resulting from the corrupt acts of the actors playing there (the Jiwasraya case), can be covered up with our client's assets," said Muchtar.

It's just that the reporting of the alleged slander feels odd. This is because the determination of the suspect Benny Tjokrosaputro is based on evidence gathered during the investigation process carried out by the Attorney General's Office.

In investigating the Jiwasraya corruption case, the Attorney General's Office has examined a total of 98 witnesses and searched around 13 objects. In addition, about 5,000 investment transactions in Jiwasraya in the 2009-2018 period have also been investigated by the investigating team.

Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said PT Asuransi Jiwasraya failed to pay claims that were due. Then, the report on the results of the audit by the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the existence of certain objectives for managing the insurance business, investment, income, and operating costs.

"This can be seen in the violation of the principles of prudence by investing by PT Asuransi Jiwasraya, which has invested heavily in assets with high risks to pursue high grade or high profits," said Burhanuddin.

In addition, it is noted that several investments in assets made by PT Asuransi Jiwasraya have a high risk. Some of them are about the placement of shares as much as 22.4 percent worth IDR 5.7 trillion of financial assets.

Based on this amount, 5 percent of funds are placed in stocks of companies with good performance, while 95 percent of funds are placed in stocks with poor performers.

Furthermore, about the placement of mutual funds as much as 59.1 percent worth Rp. 14.9 trillion of financial assets. Based on this figure, only 2 percent is managed by Indonesian investment managers with good performance.

"And 98 percent are managed by investment managers with poor performance," said Burhanuddin.

In connection with the Jiwasraya case, Hanson International stumbled upon the sale of medium term notes (MTN) with a total value of Rp680 billion. This is because, based on the Audit Results Report of the Supreme Audit Agency (LHP BPK) in 2016, the purchase transaction of debt securities belonging to Hanson International with a BBB rating by Jiwasraya is considered to have not taken into account the legal aspects.

LHP BPK said that the MYRX-coded company, as an MTN issuer, did not have a sufficiently good financial performance.

During the 2013 period, the company owned by Benny Tjokrosaputro experienced comprehensive losses of up to Rp. 119.32 billion. Meanwhile, in 2014-2015 Hanson International's recorded profit was only IDR1.04 billion and IDR8.33 billion.

In the same period, the company's revenue actually decreased significantly to Rp. 54.8 billion compared to 2014 which reached Rp. 266.36 billion.

With the decline in operating revenues and profits that were not too large in 2015, Jiwasraya should have considered it in investing in MTN PT Hanson International Tbk.