DKI Jakarta Does Not Agree Ministry Of Finance To Cut Incentives For Health Workers

JAKARTA - The Deputy Governor of DKI does not agree with the Ministry of Finance's (Kemenkeu) plan to cut incentives for health workers who treat COVID-19 patients.

"If DKI always pays attention to improving human resource welfare, our concern is for health workers and other human resources", said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 4.

According to Riza, so far health workers are in the most important position in saving people from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Of course we know that all this time the health workers who are in the most important guard in the last fort to be able to save the community", he said.

Therefore, Riza asked the central government to continue to pay attention to health workers who have contributed to handling the pandemic.

"Hopefully there is a better government policy to our attention, our concern for health workers, including the importance of incentives for health workers", he said.

It is known that the government will continue to provide incentives for health workers in the period 2021. However, the amount of this stimulant is likely to be less than that received in 2020.

This is because copies of the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number: S-65 / MK.02 / 2021 have been circulating regarding the determination of the incentive levels for health workers. The document, which was signed by Finance Minister Sri Mulyani on February 1, explained the adjustment of the number of incentives.

First, specialist doctors will be given an incentive of IDR 7.5 million from the previous IDR 15 million. Then, general practitioners and dentists Rp. 5 million from the previous IDR 10 million, midwives/nurses IDR 3.75 million from IDR 75 million, and other health workers of IDR 2.5 million from the previous Rp. 5 million. Meanwhile, the death benefit has not changed, which is still IDR 300 million.

"The implementation of the cost unit must pay attention to the following matters: the unit cost is the highest limit that cannot be exceeded. The unit fee is valid from January 2021 to December 2021, and can be extended again if there is a new policy", wrote a decree of the Minister of Finance.