The Aik Berik Climbing Line To Mount Rinjani Opens Again After The Fires

The Mount Rinjani National Park Center (TNGR) of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), stated that the climbing route of Aik Berik, Central Lombok Regency, and the climbing route of Tete Batu, East Lombok Regency, to Mount Rinjani's natural tourism have been reopened after the fire.

"The two hiking trails to TNGR nature tourism have reopened after previously closing on August 7, 2023," said Head of the Lombok TNGR Center, Dedy Asriady, in Mataram, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 8.

The current weather conditions are quite hot accompanied by wind, so it is hoped that residents will be wiser in using fire, so that forest or land fires do not occur in the TNGR area.

"Stay alert to the impact of El Nino," he said.

Previously, there was a land fire in the TNGR area of the Aik Berik hiking trail and the Tete Batu hiking trail on August 4, 2023, which caused the two hiking trails to be temporarily closed until conditions were declared normal or safe for activities.

"The smoke in the burned area is still happening today," said Dedy.

Based on observations from the SIPONGI application and CCTV, the area of the fire area that has been extinguished on the Aik Berik climbing route, Central Lombok and Tete Batu, East Lombok, to the Mount Rinjani area reaches 205 hectares. "The area of the land that has been extinguished has reached 205 hectares," he said.

Types of vegetation that experienced fires were in the form of shrubs, ward trees, cypresses, and one Rengganis Bird animal that was found dead.

"The cause of the fire is still being investigated by the authorities," he said.