Anies Removed Repetitive Progressive Fines For Prokes Violators, Now Want To Be Applied Again

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government and DKI DPRD will revise Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning the prevention of COVID-19. The one that will be revised deals with progressive or multiple sanctions for parties who repeatedly violate health protocols.

Progressive fines were imposed in Jakarta some time before. However, after Perda 2/2020 was passed, the sanction was removed because the regional regulation did not contain this regulation.

"Dynamic local regulations, including progressive fines, in our opinion are necessary. COVID-19 is not something static, so the rules must be able to adjust, they are even more advanced than the existing dynamics," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, February 4th.

Therefore, the DKI Provincial Government will propose to the DPRD that the progressive sanctions take effect again through discussion of the revised perda. This discussion will also involve epidemiologists.

"Later we will discuss. Which points need to be revised, discussed. Later we will also ask our DPRD friends, of course, what input needs to be improved," said Riza.

For information, the elimination of progressive sanctions is legalized in Governor Regulation Number 3 of 2021. In Pergub 3/2021, it is stated that every person who does not wear a mask in accordance with health standards while outside the home is subject to sanctions in the form of social work and a maximum fine of IDR 250 thousand.

Then, any company that violates the provisions of the workplace health protocol is given a written warning. If the violation is repeated, the office is sealed for three days.

If you repeat it again, the company will be fined IDR 50 million. Meanwhile, sanctions up to IDR 150 million in Pergub Number 79 of 2020 are abolished.

Similar provisions in the workplace also apply to hotels, tourist attractions, educational units, modes of transportation, to restaurants or restaurants.