If Simultaneous Regional Elections Are Held In 2024, Regional Heads Like Anies Should Be Extended
JAKARTA - The former Director-General of Regional Autonomy (Otda) of the Ministry of Home Affairs during the leadership of President SBY, Djohermansyah Djohan, proposed that the central government extend the term of office of regional heads which will expire in 2022 and 2023 if the simultaneous regional elections are held in 2024.
Currently, the Indonesian Parliament has proposed a Draft Law on Elections (RUU Pemilu), one of which regulates that the subsequent regional elections are normalized in 2022 and 2023. However, the government wants the elections to be held in 2024 simultaneously.
Djohan said, extending the term of office of regional heads by appointing them as regional heads for one to two years could be a solution to the difference of will.
"We could use a new format called the extension of the term of office. We can appoint the Acting Regional Head who is currently in office, or extend the term of office to a total of 6 to 7 years until 2024. For example, Mr. Anies Baswedan, plus 2 more years of his position in DKI Jakarta", Djohan said in a virtual discussion, Thursday, February 4.
According to Djohan, the extension of the term of office of the regional head until 2024 is more effective than lifting the Acting from the State Civil Apparatus government. Because they already have enough experience as regional leaders. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic cannot yet be controlled and needs serious handling.
"The most important thing, they are legitimate. Because the official's issue lacks legitimacy because they were appointed by the leader", said the IPDN Professor.
Moreover, there are concerns in public that the government will put the official in favor of their position ahead of the simultaneous election in 2024.
"Indeed, there are some suspicions that if the officials are appointed, the election will be in 2024, which means in 2022 and 2023 of course they are the ruling regime. He could just recruit the people who are expected to help during the elections", he said.
It is known that the regional heads whose term of office will expire in 2022 include the Governor of DKI, Aceh, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Gorontalo, West Sulawesi, West Papua, and a number of mayors/regents.
Meanwhile, the regional heads whose term of office will expire in 2023 are West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Bali, and so on.