So That Digestion Works Optimally, When Is The Right Time To Eat Salad? Here's The Expert Suggestion

JAKARTA - The work of digestion is directly proportional to what is eaten. If you eat foods containing fiber, the digestion process takes longer before digesting carbohydrates. That is, when to eat a salad consisting of fibrous vegetables? After the main course or before?

Karl Guggenmos, a chef in Europe explains that diners in France believe that green salad can aid digestion.

"Since salads are rich in fiber, they will aid in digestion of the food eaten before." Salad will also prepare the digestive system for dessert, "said Guggenmos.

Quoting from Philly Voice on February 4, several registered dietitians recommend the right time to eat a salad. This responds to the awareness of many people about their increased attention to the nutrients the body needs and absorbs.

Cristina Hoyt, a clinical nutritionist, said that from a clinical nutrition point of view, optimal digestion makes the most sense if you eat foods that are easy to digest first.

"We need to activate digestive enzymes, bile production, and stomach acid which guides break down food and absorb nutrients," said Hoyt.

The method Hoyt recommended would also help digestion to digest more complex foods, protein for example.

Hoyt explained about the cultural diet that many people practice according to where they live. For example, some people eat a salad before the main course or vice versa.

"Overall, we need to look at digestive conditions. I believe it might be easier for some to eat the vegetables at first. It doesn't really matter. Enjoy food and eat in the order you want it, ”advises Hoyt.

The order of eating salad before main course is corroborated by Emily Pierce, a dietitian and nutritionist at OnPoint Nutrition. The reason salad is served before the main course is to help and prevent overeating. As far as digestion goes, for most people there are no notable differences.

Apart from measuring the amount of fiber in the salad, you also need to take into account the salad dressing. Do you add cheese, nuts, sauce, mayonnaise? If so, Pierce advises, you need to take your diet goals into account.

Another dietitian, Maria Sylvester-Terry in a study found that eating a small salad before a meal leads to fewer calories. This is the effect of fiber which triggers feelings of fullness.

Liz McMahon who is also a registered dietitian and nutritionist mediates the order of eating salads, whether before or after for optimal digestion.

“If you want to be full and don't eat a lot of food - especially in America, it's usually a lot of carbohydrates, then eat a salad first. Fiber and fat take the longest to digest, followed by protein and carbohydrates, ”explains McMahon.

Whereas in Europe, people choose to eat much smaller portions. They eat in reverse order, first simple carbohydrates, pasta for example, then protein from meat and fish, fibrous vegetables, and finally fat.

"So what's the correct answer? As with most questions about nutrition, this depends. If you're trying to lose weight, go for salads first. Conversely, if you increase the weight of eating protein and carbohydrates first, "explained McMahon, intervening and explaining the right time to eat salad based on the needs of each person.