Yenny Wahid Hopes Prabowo Is Free From Pressure When Determining Vice Presidential Candidates

JAKARTA - The daughter of the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), Zanuba Arifah Chafsoh or Yenny Wahid hopes that the presidential candidate from the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, will not be under pressure in choosing a candidate for vice president (cawapres) in the 2024 presidential election.

This was conveyed by Yenny when meeting Prabowo at the residence of the Minister of Defense.

"Let's give freedom to the presidential candidate to arrange, to attract the most for him in the future and then also to ensure what kind of team will help him," said Yenny in Kertanegara, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.

"I actually pray that Mas Bowo can be free from various pressures," he added.

In his view, Yenny revealed that the right vice presidential figure to accompany Prabowo in the political contestation in 2024 came from young people.

"To read Mr. Prabowo's vice president, I hope that will later become a representation of young people. Because we need young people represented by their voices. Pak Prabowo, whoever the vice presidential candidate is chosen, represents young people," said Yenny.

During this meeting, Yenny Wahid also expressed his support for Prabowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election. This NU representative figure assessed that Prabowo was a suitable person to continue Indonesia's leadership after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s term of office ended.

Yenny is of the view that the next president needs to anticipate the impact of global chain supply that could occur in Indonesia from geopolitical tensions that occur in other countries.

With the experience of holding the position of Minister of Defense in Jokowi's cabinet, Yenny views Prabowo as a qualified figure in facing these challenges.

"Well, leaders who will lead Indonesia in the future must understand the dynamics of geopolitical people who must have the ability to think strategy. I think people like Pak Prabowo have that ability," said Yenny.

"So it is mandatory for me as a representation of Gus Dur's group to communicate intensely with Pak Prabowo to listen to his policies, to provide our aspirations about what the future state should be like," he added.