Apart From The National Capital, Jakarta Is Suitable To Be A City For International Business And Research

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Research Council (DRD) conducted a study on the condition of Jakarta after it was released from the status of the capital city. This research was reported to the DKI DPRD. As a result, DRD suggested that Jakarta become a special area for international business and research cities.

Secretary of Commission 1 DRD DKI Jakarta Eman Sulaeman revealed that the legalization of Jakarta as an international business and research city can be ratified through statutory regulations by the central government and the DPR.

"When the law on the new capital city in East Kalimantan is passed, automatically the status of Jakarta as the capital city will be revoked. So, our advice is that there is also a regulation for Jakarta to become a special area for tourism and research businesses," said Eman in a DPRD DKI Commission B meeting DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 24.

In this suggested status, Eman explained the status of a business city including trade and distribution / logistics, finance and banking, as well as tourism and education services. In a research city, the coverage is in the field of information technology and basic science for the processing industry.

The consideration of the proposal for Jakarta, which remains a special area, is based on the prediction of a decline in economic income that will occur in Jakarta when it is no longer the capital city.

"It needs to be admitted, the status of the capital city is indeed beneficial for Jakarta, development is faster, many state guests use lodging in Jakarta, there are international seminars. By moving the capital, there is a reduction in income," he said.

As long as the infrastructure and transportation system in Jakarta are adequate, said Eman, it would be a shame if Jakarta returned to being an ordinary province like the others. Not to mention, Jakarta's APBD is quite large.

"It could be a special area such as the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, but Jakarta must be one level above it," he said.

Steps to Be Faced

The steps that must be carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to realize the status of an international business and research city are the development of the tourism sector in the Thousand Islands Regency. This is useful for increasing regional income.

"We recommend that the financial resort or international finance meeting place be held on the Thousand Islands. Given that this area is the most underdeveloped area in DKI. With this proposal, the development of the Thousand Islands can be boosted," he explained.

The next challenge, adequate human resources (HR). The DKI Provincial Government, said Eman, must prepare its workforce. Particularly for vocational and vocational graduates, who are said to have not been absorbed much by work, there should be training in order to support Jakarta as a special area for international business and research.

While improving human resources is in progress, the DKI Provincial Government has to spend on technology and financial investments from now on. "The provincial government must be alert from now on, they cannot wait for 2024 when the capital has moved," said Eman.

Furthermore, increasing cooperation between regions. For example, in the case of the increasing price of garlic, Jakarta cannot solve its own solution because it does not have a place to plant it. The trick is to cooperate with West Java, which has a large enough planting area.

"Don't forget to pay attention to transportation efficiency because this requires a large amount of expenditure. If possible, there is a supply change, not only from outside to Jakarta, but Jakarta will also send it," he concluded.