Hary Tanoe As A Family Of Compact Nyaleg, Netray Monitors Netizens' Voices Divided

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) Hary Tanoesoedibjo running as a legislative candidate for the 2024 General Election. Seeing his actions in politics, the man who is familiarly called HT's decision is not unusual. Hary Hatoe has been active in the party since 2011.

What is of concern is that Hary Tanoe does not alone want a legislative seat. Apparently, his wife and five children also registered as candidates for the people's representatives even though they did not fight in one electoral district. This is known to be public after the General Election Commission (KPU) released data on the list of candidates while candidates for legislative candidates. The only common between them is the family of entrepreneurs using Perindo as their political vehicle.

The fact that Hary Tanoe's family is compactly lost, it turns out that it has attracted the attention of netizens X, a platform previously called Twitter. They were busy discussing the issue of HT building a political dynasty. Netray Media Monitoring then monitors netizens' responses related to HT families competing to become people's representatives in different electoral districts.

By using the keywords of hary tanoe &&caleg, hary tanoe &&u family, as well as hary tanoe during the period 22 to 28 August, 2,363 tweets were found from 1,410 accounts. Based on Netray's monitoring, not all netizens doubted the ability of the HT family. Not a few also provide support, such as from the @AnakLina2 account which praised the 57-year-old entrepreneur for wanting to be involved in the political world to help the nation.

Meanwhile, netizen comments that tend to be critical of the political choices of the Hary Tanoesudibjo family can be seen from the comments of historian JJ Rizal. Through his account @JJRizal, he said that this phenomenon has actually occurred in Indonesian politics. Not only the HT family brought their families to politics. This for him shows the emergence of political slump in Indonesia.

Netray also monitors the question of Hary Tanoe and his family becoming legislative candidates on the News channel using the keyword hary tanoe&caleg, hary tanoesoedibjo&dpr, hary tanoesoedibjo&u family. However, in the same period, only 35 articles were found discussing this matter.

Political Dynasty Is Not New

Talking about political dynasties is actually not new. Although most people view poltic dynasties as negative, in fact the practice of political dynasties has existed for a long time even in the United States.

America, which has had a democratic tradition for hundreds of years, cannot be separated from the existence of a political dynasty. The most legendary and known American political dynasties in the international world are the Kennedy dynasty and the Bush dynasty.

In American politics, 'dynasthetic' is considered a dirty word. The founders of the country fundamentally reject dynastic politics. In the US constitution, it is stated that the leader is produced from a ballistic (non-blood (derivative), as written by Cristen Conger on Howstuffworks.

"No blood of descent has been recognized by the United States." Even The Kennedys, one of the well-known family politics in America, avoided the word "D".

The Kennedy clan is one of the most popular political dynasties in the United States. More than half a century of this dynasty occupies an important position in government. Meanwhile, the Bush dynasty has placed two members of its family as President of the United States: George HW, who occupied the White House between 1988 and 1992 and his son George W. Bush who became the 42nd president.

In India is also famous for its political dynasties. According to the Economist, India has the largest family dynasty after Sri Lanka. After them, the Central Government of the Country of Ganga was controlled by the Nehru-Gandhi Family.

Family Politics Jamur Due To Party Oligarchy

From the Prospective List (DCS) of Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives announced by the KPU, it is known that there are five candidates who are wives or husbands of the elite political parties. One of them is Atalia Praratya, who is the wife of the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party as well as the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil.

The Indonesian Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) considers the phenomenon of the elite family of political parties to be candidates as a form of political kinship. This phenomenon is considered to damage democracy from many sides. One of them can damage the process of party regeneration. Potential cadres who have followed the regeneration stage may be prevented from becoming legislative candidates because they must give in to the elite party family.

However, the politics of kinship or dynastic politics can occur because there is no regulation that prohibits this. This practice is increasingly fertile due to the oligarchy of the party, aka a handful of people who have full power to determine party policies.

"So I think (the political phenomenon of this kinship) is directly proportional to the factor of our political party which is still controlled by the oligarchy. So dynastic politics has become an unavoidable thing," said Formappi researcher Lucius.