Police Arrest Sodomy Soccer Coach In Jambi

JAMBI - The Tanjung Jabung Barat Police, Jambi, arrested a sports teacher who is also a football coach. This coach reportedly abused and sodomized his protégé who were about to be trained in football.

Kapolsek Merlung AKP Hardianto said the perpetrator with the initials JR (30) became a football coach in a village in Merlung District and was suspected of having committed acts of sodomy against his students.

The JR perpetrator is suspected of having committed his actions against his protégé and the victim was four boys. From that report, the police made an arrest, on Wednesday, February 3 at noon at the perpetrator's house.

AKP Hardianto said the perpetrator's mode of action was asking children who played soccer in the afternoon not to go home. The reason is that in the morning there will be morning training and the children follow the coach's wishes.

At night, the children were asked to commit an alleged immoral act. Some of the children were asked to take off their clothes and do immoral acts with JR.

From the statements of the victims who reported the perpetrators' actions, some were suspected of being sodomized and abused by the perpetrators and the police are currently investigating their cases and this case will be investigated by PPA Tanjung Jabung Barat Police.