Archery Sports Equipment: Mandatory Tofu Beginners!

YOGYAKARTA - Archery exercise is currently increasingly loved by the community. Not a few archery clubs are currently standing in many places. This large concentration and focus seems simple to try, although it is actually difficult.

For newcomers, or for those of you who are just starting to exercise archery, there are some of the main equipment from this exercise that you must first know when before starting to do it.

In fact, there are many equipment used to carry out archery exercise. However, these 3 main equipment must be available and used by archers. Here are the reviews taken from several sources.


Basically, bows are usually called bows, which are the core parts of archery sports equipment. Usually, the type of bows is divided into 2, namely the recurve bow type and the single piece bow.

Arrow Children

Arrows are parts that cannot be separated from the bow because they will complement each other when used.

For those who are still in the beginner stage, they should sort out arrows made from fiberglas, especially those that make archery as a hobby or again trying to exercise.

Bow/ String Rope

The last part of the series of archery equipment that was very important after the bow, the arrow was a bow rope. Because without the bow rope ahead of the equipment, it could not be used properly.

For arc string materials, there are also many variations depending on their respective level of comfort. Some are made from nylon monofilaments and from nylon dacrong materials.

Target Place

You can buy this equipment or make it yourself as the alternative. The target is the spot that we will use as the focus of the target for arrows and models of its shape with many variations.

It can be made from cardboard, paper or board materials that have been characterized. And later it can be targeted at a certain distance.


Archery exercise equipment also requires some knick-knacks that can be provided as much as possible to increase comfort when archery.

As well as accessories knick-knacks in archery exercise, among others, finger protection (figer tab), basic sleeve shield (arm guard), arrowpoint (quivers), bow sight such as lasers to help target shots and also have an arrow pulling device attached to the target (puller).

So after knowing the archery equipment, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!