Sri Mulyani Cut Incentives For Health Workers For 2021?
JAKARTA - The government has confirmed that it will continue providing incentives for health workers (health workers) in the 2021 period. However, the amount of stimulants is likely to be less than that received in 2020.
This is because copies of the Decree of the Minister of Finance number: S-65 / MK.02 / 2021 have been circulating regarding the determination of the incentive levels for health workers. The document, which was signed by Finance Minister Sri Mulyani on February 1, explained the adjustment of the amount of incentives.
First, specialist doctors will be given an incentive of IDR 7.5 million from the previous IDR 15 million. Then, general practitioners and dentists Rp. 5 million from the previous Rp. 10 million, midwives / nurses Rp. 3.75 million from Rp. 75 million, and other health workers of Rp. 2.5 million from the previous Rp. 5 million.
Meanwhile, the death benefit has not changed, which is still IDR 300 million.
"The implementation of the unit cost must pay attention to the following matters: the unit fee is the highest limit that cannot be exceeded ... The unit fee is valid from January 2021 to December 2021, and can be extended again if there is a new policy," wrote the letter. decision of the Minister of Finance, quoted Wednesday 3 February.
For information, the letter from the Minister of Finance is also a follow-up to the letter of the Minister of Health Number KU.01.01 / Menkes / 62/2021 dated January 21, 2021 concerning Extension Requests for Health Workers and Participants of PPDS (Specialist Doctor Education program) Handling Covid-19.
Quoting CNN Indonesia, the Director General of Budget for the Ministry of Finance, Askolani, said the incentives for health workers are still in the finalization stage with the Ministry of Health. According to him, the development of the fund allocation is still possible to change.
"We are still doing detailed calculations on spending plans with this dynamic development," he said.
Based on information from the official website of the Ministry of Finance, this year the government will allocate a budget for the health sector amounting to IDR 104.7 trillion. The funds are used for vaccination programs, medical facilities and infrastructure, cost of treatment claims, incentives for health workers and death benefits, as well as BPJS contribution assistance for PBPU / BP.