Men With Knife Stealing Cellphones In Tabanan Bali Who Are Viral On Social Media Are Arrested By The Police

DENPASAR - Police arrested a cell phone robber (HP) in Tabanan, Bali. This cell phone stolen case went viral on social media.

The cell phone confiscation incident occurred at the Gerokgak Gede traffic light intersection, Tabanan on Monday, February 1. The police have followed up on the virality of this criminal case by chasing the perpetrators.

Kapolres Tabanan AKBP Mariochristy PS, Siregar, instructed the investigation led by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tabanan Police, AKP Aji Yoga Seka.

"The team then arrested the perpetrator on behalf of Fitra Wijayanto alias Plong, 22 years old," said Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police, Iptu I Nyoman Subagio, Wednesday, February 3.

The perpetrator was arrested in the Ubung area, Denpasar. The police secured evidence of an Oppo cellphone and a knife.

The police explained that the incident began when the perpetrator was singing at the Gerokgak traffic light. But because the victim asked the perpetrator to ask for permission from the Satpol PP, the perpetrator even cursed at the victim.

"Then there was a quarrel, at that time the victim took out a cellphone about to contact the boss of the dumplings. Before calling, the perpetrator took the victim's white Oppo cellphone and put it in the perpetrator's pocket," said the police in a written statement.

When the victim tried to ask for his cellphone, the perpetrator held up a knife. The perpetrator went straight to Denpasar.

Now the perpetrator has been secured to the Tabanan Police. The perpetrator was charged under Article 365 of the Criminal Code.