The Futsal Tournament Committee Whose Videos Are Viral Because The Full Audience At The North Sumatra Sports Hall Are Suspects

MEDAN - Medan Police has made the chairman of the 2021 Fun Futsal Cup tournament, Bani Teguh Ginting (44) as a suspect.

The determination of this suspect was the aftermath of a crowd of hundreds of spectators at GOR Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, during a futsal match between Medan City Police and Al-Washliyah which went viral on social media.

Kapolrestabes Medan, Kombes Riko Sunarko said the suspect was charged with two articles, namely falsifying police signatures and violating health protocols (prokes).

"Prokes violation yes, (then) 263 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code also yes. The threat of a maximum sentence of 1 year prokes, then 263 (forgery), 5 years," said Riko, Wednesday, February 3.

Regarding signature falsification, the suspect is said to have done so for a permit to borrow and use GOR Mini Futsal, North Sumatra Dispora, on December 14, 2020. He took off the signatures of 2 members of the National Police, so that the permit to borrow the field is made easier.

"The intention is to facilitate the implementation of the futsal tournament which is held by him, as chairman of the committee," said Riko.

Because of this profiteering, 2 Polri members objected and filed a police report with number LP / 218 / II / 2021 / SKPT / Polrestabes Medan on February 1.

"In order to be accountable, he did falsify his signature and then the suspect was detained at the Medan Police Chief of Police," said Kombes Riko.

Meanwhile, regarding the violation of health protocols, the suspect, said Riko, invited several sponsors. Even though the North Sumatra Dispora has provided conditions when borrowing. One of them, a match without spectators.

"On 23-30 it was true without any spectators. But at the time of the final on the 31st, Brother B (Bani), through social media Instagram gave the announcement of the final match," said Riko.

Finally, due to the announcement via social media, there was a crowd of spectators, which ended up going viral. Kombes Riko also denied that his institution was involved in organizing the tournament.

"He (the suspect) made a logo as if the logo of the futsal team from the North Sumatra Regional Police," he said.

Riko also ensured that the North Sumatra Regional Police did not have a futsal team, including the ranks of the Polsek. He also confirmed that he would give sanctions if his members were involved in this case.

"If there are personnel involved, we make sure we will process them. There are internal (sanctions)," said Riko