Fun Videos To Educate Children About The Importance Of 3M

JAKARTA - Giving understanding to children to comply with 3M's health protocols: washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance are homework for parents. They often feel uncomfortable when using masks. Even though masks are very important to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Special tricks are needed so that children can understand the importance of 3M and can apply it in everyday life.

One of the ways that can be used is by providing interesting shows about 3M. There are many animations that we can find on YouTube for us to watch together.

BNPB also released a video public service advertisement (ILM) made by Bagong Sorbardjo from DI Yogyakarta. This video contains tips for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and being a favorite winner at the 2020 Tangguh Awards.

The video is proof of the role of the community to be more aware, understand and learn and jointly tackle disasters and the spread of COVID-19.

Some time ago, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said implementing 3M's health protocol, namely wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining distance, and following vaccinations is mandatory.

"Conducting 3M, following the rules for the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) and vaccinating, according to the views of the scholars, is an obligation, meaning that it must be done. Because of what? Because it is to prevent harm, mudarat," said Vice President Ma'ruf. reported by Antara, Monday, February 1.

Apart from implementing the 3M health protocol and vaccination, Vice President Ma'ruf also said that helping to treat COVID-19 through convalescent plasma is also an obligation.