List Of Agencies That Have Announced Complete CPNS Formation By Registering

YOGYAKARTA Soon the registration of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) will be opened soon, namely in September 2023. Although there has been no official announcement, the public has been able to find a list of agencies that have announced the 2023 CPNS formation.

As is known, referring to the BKN Letter Number 8229/B-KS.04.01/SD/K/2023, government agencies will announce the formation of CPNS in each agency from 16-30 September 2023. However, currently there are several ministries that have announced the needs of CPNS and PPPK formations. The ministries and institutions that have announced the formation of CPNS are as follows.

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights has announced the need for CPNS in their environment. Through the social media account Instagram remsi @kemenkumhamri, the need for CPNS 2023 at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is 1,015 formations, while the need for PPPK is 1,563 formations.

Sayangnya Kemenkumham belum mengumumkan apa saja syarat dan kebutuhan posisi yang bisa diisi oleh pelamar. Informasi lebih lanjut akan diumumkan lewat website resmi yang dumumkan menjelang pembukaan CASN 2023.

The need for CPNS 2023 at the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) was announced as many as 7,846 formations with educational criteria from SLTA to S1. The formation of CPNS at the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office in 2023 is as follows.

The need for CPNS at Mahkama Agung is explained in the Attachment XXXV of the Minister of PANRB Decree Number 544 of 2023, namely 1,669 formations. The category of positions opened in the Supreme Court is the First Expert to Justice as many as 25 formations and Kleker-Analytics of Court Cases as many as 1,644 formations. The following is a classification of majors needed in the Supreme Court.

Graduated from undergraduate for First Expert-Pranata Justice formation

Graduates of S1 for the formation of Kleker-Analis for Judicial Cases

The Yogyakarta Special Region Government (DIY) has also shared some information regarding the needs of Government Employees with a Work Agreement or PPPK in 2023 with various formations, namely the following.

How to register CPNS and PPPK 2023 in general is still the same as in previous years, namely through the website The following are the stages.

Prospective applicants must have an account at SSCASN in the following way.

After the account has been successfully created, prospective applicants can log in to SSCASN. Applicants must enter the account to complete some data in the following way.

The formation selection is carried out through SSCASN in the following way.

As is known, prospective applicants must pass the administrative requirements, therefore some documents will be requested. Prospective applicants can enter the 'Document Upload' section. Pay attention to the size and format requested.

If so, check or check for resummation and end registration

Printing Account Information Cards And Account Registration Cards

Prospective applicants are asked to print an account information card and account registration. Both cards are proof that prospective applicants already have an account at SSCASN.

That's information regarding the list of agencies that have announced the formation of CPNS. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.