LaNyalla Mattalitti Receives 10 Political Manifestos From FTA, These Are The Contents

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti received the Indonesian Forum (FTA) in the DPD RI Delegation Room, Nusantara III Building, Jakarta Parliament Complex, Tuesday 29 August. On that occasion, the FTA submitted 10 solutions and demands for political and economic change in the Political Manifesto.

Present were the Chairperson of the Indonesian FTA, Donny Handricahyono, Liaison Officer of the FTA for DKI Jakarta, Asrianti Purwantini and members of the FTA delegation including Ahmad Fauzi and Alfa Camrilla (Representation of the DKI Jakarta FTA), Rusdi Ikhsan Aminy and Nurjana Nasaru (FTA North Sulawesi) and Muhammad Syafrudin P (FTA from West Kalimantan).

The chairman of the DPD RI was accompanied by the Special Staff of the Chairman of the DPD RI, Sefdin Syaifudin, Togar Mnel and Brigadier General Pol Amostian, economist Ichsanuddin Noorsy and Constitution activist Dr Zulkifli S Ekomi.

LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti said that there are several parts of the same or intersecting Political Manifesto with the DPD RI's efforts to restore the state system according to the formulation of the nation's founders which was then perfected through amendments to the addendum technique.

"For example, in the state proposal from the DPD RI in number two. Namely opening up the opportunity for members of the DPR RI from participants in the election of individual elements, apart from members of political parties. This is an effort to ensure that the process of forming a law carried out by the DPR and the President is not dominated by the representation of political party groups alone. But it is also fully discussed by the representation of non-party communities," he said.

It is impossible, he continued, that the making of laws that bind 270 million people is only determined by the 9 chairmen of the existing party as it is now.

"As we know, according to Law Number 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties, Article 1 Paragraph (1) clearly mentions the phrase 'group', with the aim of fighting for the interests of members. This means that the essence of political parties in state administration deserves to be referred to as a Political Group Representative. So it cannot be called pure People's Representatives. More precisely the Deputy Party," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the FTA's proposal regarding public recalling of members of the DPR, the Special Staff of the Chairperson of the DPD RI, Sefdin Syaifudin, explained that it was difficult to implement in Indonesia.

"In America it can be applied but in Indonesia it will be difficult, because Indonesia is not like the US, where there are fewer educated people in Indonesia. Not to mention that this system could be engined by other political actors to recall other members through public sentiment," he said.

Meanwhile Donny Handricahyono said the Indonesian Forum is a forum for activists who care and love their homeland, both those who are abroad and those who are domestically.

"We are not oriented towards a figure of a politician or official, nor are we oriented towards political parties, not being part of a political party, not volunteers and also not a party cadre. FTA has always focused on important issues that burden people's lives to find solutions," said Donny.

The Political Manifesto of the Indonesian Forum (FTA) is:

1. Demanding the rights and authority of the people's highest sovereignty to elect and replace members of Parliament (DPR/DPD/DPRD) in the middle of the road through the mechanism of changing members of the DPR (recall election), by eliminating the right to interim replacement (PAW) owned by political parties by revising the MD3 Law.

2. Demand that all members of Parliament (DPR/DPD/DPRD) be separated from the ties of political parties by changing the law of a more democratic political party by limiting the power of political parties, where the power of political parties in the democratic government system must not have higher power and sovereignty and greater than the highest sovereignty of the people.

3. Demand members of Parliament (DPR/DPD) and the central government so that the KPU is made truly neutral, independent, open, honest, fair and democratic in carrying out its responsibilities and duties as election organizers, regardless of anyone's influence and intervention by changing the membership composition of the KPU commissioners from 7 people who have been elected by the DPR through selection, coupled with 36 representatives from 18 political parties who passed the 2024 election, bringing the total to 43 members of the KPU commissioner.

4. Demand that the presidential threshold requirement of 20% in Article 222, Election Law No. 7 of 2017 to become a presidential candidate is removed by revising Election Law No. 7 of 2017.

5. Demanding the separation of the National Police from the Executive Board (President), Legislative and Judicative and demanding that the President does not interfere, or intervene in the selection process, selection and appointment of members of commissions and members of other independent state institutions, such as members of the Constitutional Court, KY, KPK, KPU, BAWASLU, KOMNAS HAM, etc.

6. Demand MPR members to immediately correct the nation's qibla which has left the goals and ideals of the founders of the Republic of Indonesia by making the 5th amendment to separate the original text of the 1945 Constitution from the text of the 4x times amendment (UUD 2002).

7. Demanding the central government, especially the President, DPR/DPD and the Minister to make the Republic of Indonesia a state that is economically independent, economically, politically, technologically, and in military defense, free from the huge dependence of foreign debt and domestic debt to foreign countries, international creditors and international financial institutions.

8. Changing the financial fiscal responsibility system (APBN/APBD) which must be surplus-oriented, and not oriented to large expenditures (SPENDING-ORIENTED).

8. Demanding the central government and local governments to provide special allocation funds, in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution in article 34, the 1945 Constitution through the APBN and APBD to provide social security and social welfare for the poor through SUBSIDI (social safety network) in the form of direct cash assistance (BLT), especially for the poor, neglected children, mentally and physically disabled people (disabled) and parents over 65 years (elderly) who live alone and live below the poverty line standard, with a living cost of Rp. 31,000 per day.

9. Demand a greater decentralization of regional autonomy, such as in the regional autonomy Law No.22, 1999, by providing profit sharing, number of royalty percentages, distribution of special allocation funds from regional Natural Resources exports, providing financial balance allocation funds and providing profit-sharing funds (DBH) for regional natural resources that are fairer, fairer and more proportional to local people, and giving authority to local governments to manage their own regional resources themselves.

10. Demanding the central government, especially the President, DPR/DPD, the Minister and local government (PEMDA) to make good and correct economic policies, in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of the 1945 Constitution, article 33 of the 1945 Constitution.