The Woman From England Who Was Secured By Immigration Turned Out To Be The Wife Of International Terrorist Abu Ahmad

JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters said that the woman who is a foreign citizen from England who is secured by the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is the wife of a member of the terrorist network Jamaah Islamiyah.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, said that a woman named Tazneen Miriam Sailar was the wife of Asep Ahmad Setiawan or Abu Ahmad.

"The secured suspect is the wife of an Indonesian citizen on behalf of Asep Ahmad Setiawan or Abu Ahmad and he passed away in 2014", said Ramadhan to reporters, Wednesday, February 3.

Based on data from Densus 88 Anti-terror, Abu Ahmad died on the battlefield that occurred in Syria six years ago. In fact, Abu Ahmad is also affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

Meanwhile, Tazneen's role is still being investigated by Densus 88 Anti-terror investigators. This is because only Abu Ahmad's role or background has just been discovered.

"The role of Abu Ahmad's wife is still being investigated by Densus 88 investigators", he said.

As reported previously, Tazneen was secured by Immigration for not having a residence permit. She is currently in detention at the Jakarta Immigration Detention Center.

Detention center is a term for one of the implementing units in the immigration function to become a temporary shelter for foreigners who violate the Immigration Law.