Bareskrim Will Develop Cases Of Dinar And Dirham At Muamalah Market In Depok

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri will develop a case for using the dinar and dirham currency. The police have named Zaim Saidi, the founder of the Depok Muamalah market as a suspect.

"In the meantime, what we are updating is the investigation related to investigators from the Subdit 4 of the Dittipdeksus who have arrested ZS. Of course this will be developed by investigators," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, Wednesday, February 3.

In the meantime, investigators will focus on the Depok Muamalah market case which uses dinars and dirhams in shopping transactions.

"It doesn't stop here, the investigators at the special economic crime directorate will certainly develop this case if it exists in other regions," he said.

The phenomenon of using dirhams and dinars as means of payment in a number of areas on the island of Java suddenly went viral in cyberspace. During VOI searches on the internet, important information was obtained from the Muslim Youth Twitter account @ Pencerah__.

From his tweet, it was revealed that the use of dirhams in buying and selling transactions was concentrated in a trading center called Muamalah Market.

"These Muamalah markets are under the authority of Amirat Nusantara, led by Zaim Saidi. He is known as the pioneer of the movement for the return of gold dinars and silver dirhams in Indonesia," the account wrote Thursday, January 28.

The poster said that the activity was part of the action against the economic system prevailing in Indonesia. The reason is because Zaim and his followers think the existing trade ecosystem does not match their views.

"Zaim Zaidi (allegedly HTI) is against the current financial system which he considers usury capitalism," he said.

In this post, @Pencerah__ said that Zaim had campaigned for the use of dirhams and dinars for a long time.

“Zaim Saidi's digital footprint is in an effort to incite people to leave rupiah banknotes and return to dirhams and dinars as a means of market transactions. This is HTI's goal, which wants to return to the era of the Prophet, but in the wrong way, ”he said.

"From my search results, there are several Muamalah markets in several regions of the archipelago. Like in Yogyakarta, Bekasi and Depok-West Java, ”explained @Pencerah__.