South Korea Shuts Down Daegu City To Prevent COVID-19 Virus

JAKARTA - With a total of 556 people infected and 5 people dead as of Sunday, February 23, the South Korean government has begun to affirm its 'serious' status in fighting the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19.

South Korean President Moon Jae In began ordering access closures and began rejecting immigrants from infected countries.

"Now is the time for the central government, local government and health services and paramedics, along with the whole community to be totally in facing this case," said Moon Jae In through the New York Times.

The Korean government will close the city of Daegu, which has been the worst affected area, with 231 people infected. Most of those infected were congregants of Shincheonji Church, Daegu.

The cause of the spread of the virus among 231 worshipers of Shincheonji Church is suspected to be due to prolonged sitting close to each other.

Another 74 churches affiliated with Shincheonji were later closed to prevent the spread of the virus.