Minister Of Transportation Affirms The Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train Project Not Affected By COVID-19

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi emphasized that the government remains committed to the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project as targeted for completion by the end of 2021. The outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19, according to him, will not interfere with the project.

"I emphasize here that the government is still targeting the fast train project to be completed by the end of 2021. Regarding the corona virus in China, we are still running and are not disturbed by the presence of manpower and equipment from China," said Transportation Minister Budi Karya, Sunday, February 23.

This was said when reviewing the progress of the Jakarta-Bandung fast train project which was also attended by the Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation Zulfikri and the Director of PT KAI (Persero) Edy Sukmoro.

The Minister of Transportation said, from the results of the direct review and reports received, all project work was going according to plans and targets so that the target for completion by the end of 2021 was optimistic to be achieved.

The Minister of Transportation also emphasized that even though this fast train project is a collaboration with China, this does not interfere with project implementation, including experts and equipment from China.

"Once again, I said that the project target to be completed by the end of 2021 will be achieved," he said.

The Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train Project is a National Strategic Project. done by PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC). Based on information from PT KCIC, until now the development progress has reached 43.45 percent.

Currently PT KCIC is working on 13 tunnels or tunnels. Meanwhile, the progress of land acquisition reached 99.96 percent.

The Jakarta Bandung Fast Train will have a length of 142.3 kilometers. The plan is that there will be four stopping stations, namely Halim, Karawang, Walini, and Tegalluar Stations, Bandung.

From this route, as many as 80 kilometers are built to be elevated. Meanwhile, the rest of the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train line is worked on on the ground, including through tunnels or tunnels that penetrate the hill.

With the existence of this train, the travel time from Jakarta to Bandung will be faster, which is about 46 minutes with a speed of about 350 kilometers per hour.