Ombudsman Ends Maladministration Potential During PPDB 2023 In South Sumatra
The Ombudsman representing South Sumatra (Sumsel) found the potential for maladministration in the implementation of public services carried out by schools during the 2023 New Student Admissions (PPDB) process.
Head of the South Sumatra Ombudsman M. Adrian Agustiansyah said the South Sumatra Ombudsman formed an investigation team and had conducted initial analysis of a number of documents related to PPDB, school objects, organizers, and other related parties in six examples of SMAN objects and one example of SMPN objects in Palembang City.
Selama proses PPDB di Palembang belum dilaksanakan sebagaimana Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kemendikbud (Kemendikbud) RI Nomor 1 Tahun 2021 tentang PPDB pada TK, SD, SMA, dan SMK.
He revealed that several initial findings in the field based on the results of the investigation related to the implementation from the registration period to the final graduation period, namely the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office do not follow the provisions of Article 44 Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Acceptance of New Students in Kindergarten, Elementary School, Junior High School, High School, High School, and Vocational High School in conjunction with Article 8 Regulation of the Governor of South Sumatra Number 13 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Acceptance of New Students at High School, Vocational High School and Special Education Unit.
Penerimaan jalur zoningi pada sekolah dialokasi sebesar 50 persen dari daya kompadung sekolah, bukan sebesar 30 persen sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dalam Petunjuan Teknis PPDB SMA Negeri Rujukan Kabupaten/Kota dan SMA Negeri Regular Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024.
Kemudian, ditemukan kurang jelasnya mekanisme mitigasi (kanal pengaduan) terhadap keluhan/pengaduuan dari orang tua calon siswa, lalu kekurangan transparansi dalam pengelolaan laman PPDB 2023, mengingat masih ada keterbatasan Masyarakat dalam mengakses pengumuman penguluan pengaluan angkahir secara keseluruhan.
Then, there are students who are registered in a school and participate in teaching and learning activities (KBM) without following the PPDB 2023 procedures that have been regulated. The school in question accepts a number of students under the pretext of a high interest in registrants so as to allow the opening of a non-procedural negotiation room between the school and the parents of prospective students.
This document has been signed electronically using an electronic certificate issued by BSrE.
In addition, the South Sumatra Ombudsman found that there was a potential conflict of interest related to the appointment of third parties as technical implementers of the self-test path in PPDB 2023 as well as problems of transparency and vulnerability of implementing incompetency.
"We will conduct a series of investigations that will be carried out this afternoon, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at the South Sumatra Ombudsman's office, namely by summoning the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office for direct clarification," Adrian said during a press conference in Palembang, Wednesday, August 23.