Apple Privacy Policy Changes Force Facebook Change Ad Personalization Settings

JAKARTA - Through its official blog, Facebook announced that the social media platform will send notifications to iPhone users around the world. The notification contains an explanation regarding the use of user data to provide personalized advertising.

This announcement from Facebook comes following changes to Apple's privacy policy. For those who don't know, this change has been announced by Apple at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) which took place in June last year.

On that occasion, the company explained the steps that will be implemented to provide transparency in data collection within iOS. And through iOS 14.5, Apple is delivering on that promise in the form of a user data privacy transparency feature.

On the one hand, this step implemented by Apple promises data security and convenience for users. This is because users have full control over how personal data is collected and used by other applications.

However, from Facebook's point of view, this move will have a big impact on ad personalization services. Which, according to Facebook's explanation in blog posts, is said to be "going to hurt the ad business".

Launching Reuters, technology giant Facebook launched the announcement before Apple officially released the beta version of iOS 14.5. Later, the Facebook and Instagram platforms will present a new notification window asking permission from users to get data so they can design personalized ads.

In addition, Facebook will also provide users to "support businesses that depend on advertising to reach consumers".

Previously, Apple and Facebook were involved in a dispute over the past week. Through social media, the two technology giants have argued over how to use users' personal data.

Through a document entitled A Day in the Life of Data (One Day in the Life of Your Data), Apple confirmed that there are 6 types of trackers (trackers) data inserted in the application. The six trackers aim to retrieve users' personal information, such as shopping and traveling habits.

Meanwhile, Facebook believes that this data is important and needed. So, according to Facebook, Apple's privacy policy will make it difficult for the ad industry and small businesses to get more users.