Variety Of Food Options And Prohibitions For Blood Diet AB

JAKARTA - Food intake for people with blood type AB must be considered if they are on a diet. This will help the success of the diet program that is lived.

Reporting from Livestrong, Wednesday, February 3, Naturopathic doctor and founder of the Institute for Human Individuality, Peter J. D'Adamo revealed that AB positive or negative blood type is not too problematic in sorting food intake for the diet program. Type AB arises from types A and B, so people with blood type AB have several characteristics of both.

Tofu, seafood, green vegetables, and fruits are the foods of choice for blood type AB patients. These foods can help metabolize efficiency. Dairy and seaweed products can increase insulin production. Whereas pineapple helps digestion and stimulates intestinal motility.

The most beneficial seafood for blood group AB is tuna, grouper, mackerel, mahi-mahi, and sardines. Meanwhile, dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, nonfat sour cream, eggs, mozzarella cheese, goat cheese, ricotta cheese are very good for blood group AB. Olive oil can also be used as a source of fat.

Nuts are good for consumption as a stimulant for the immune system and fight cancer. However, because people with blood type AB often have problems with the gallbladder, peanut butter can be an option instead of eating whole nuts.

Apart from foods that can be consumed, the blood group AB diet also has a number of dietary restrictions. Red meat, kidney beans, and corn should be avoided because they can increase body weight.

In addition, chicken should not be consumed frequently because the lectin content in it can irritate the blood and digestive tract. All preserved meats, caffeinated food and drink, and alcohol should also be avoided because it can cause stomach cancer, especially in those with low stomach acid.

For fruit, choose those that contain lots of water such as prunes, berries, pineapples, and grapes. Oranges can irritate the stomach and should be avoided. Banana lectins interfere with digestion and are replaced by apricots, figs, and cantaloupe.

The types of exercise for the blood group AB diet according to the American Nutrition Association are Tai chi and Yoga. Both are great for relaxation, weight loss, and stress relief. Dr. D'Adamo recommends interspersing Tai Chi and Yoga with aerobics, for example, running and cycling.