Get Ready To Spend More, Tariffs On 31 Toll Roads Will Increase This Year

JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has confirmed that there are 31 toll roads that will experience an increase in tariffs throughout 2021. Head of BPJT Danang Parikesit explained that the rate increase will be carried out in stages and divided into four clusters.

The cluster in question is the first cluster, which will take place from January to March, while the second cluster is from April to June. Furthermore, the third cluster will take place from July to August and the fourth cluster will take place from September to December.

"In 2021 there will be 31 segments that will undergo adjustments, and at our own direction, at the direction of the Minister, we hope there will be four clusters for this tariff adjustment", he said in a video conference, Tuesday, February 2.

Danang said that in the first cluster there will be 10 toll roads that will experience tariff increases. Several toll roads have recently undergone adjustments, such as the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) toll road to the Surabaya-Gempol section.

"Some friends already know that there are adjustments. Then the second cluster has 3 toll roads, then the third cluster has 4 toll roads, and the fourth cluster has 14 toll roads", he said.

On the same occasion, Expert Staff for Technology, Industry and Environment of the Ministry of PUPR, Endra S Atmawidjaja, said that tariff adjustments do not merely increase prices. But also quality improvements.

According to Endra, the PUPR Ministry does not only see one party, but also other factors. One of them is the inflation rate.

"Indeed, there are 31 (toll road segments) that are due. This does not necessarily increase. Later the policy is up to the Minister whether the SPM (Minimum Service Standards) has been met", he said.

Endra said there was a slight change in the stages of toll tariff increases this year. According to him, the increase will be made into three clusters.

"So we did propose four, but Mr. PUPR Minister wants only three. Because in January he has announced a number of areas that actually expire in 2020," he explained.

The first cluster will take place from January to April where there are 10 segments that have experienced an increase. Then, the second cluster will run from June to August, where there will be 7 toll roads that will experience an increase.

As for the third cluster, it will take place from September to December and there will be 14 segments that will experience a tariff increase.