Heavy Rain, 10 Districts In Southeast Aceh Flood 1 Meter

BANDA ACEH - Rain with high intensity in the past week in Southeast Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, caused ten sub-districts to be flooded. The water level that inundated residential areas reached 1 meter.

The submerged areas are Bambel District, Lawe Sumur District, Semadam District, Bukit Tusam District, Lawe Bulan District.

Then, Babussalam District, Tanoh Alas District, Lawe Sigala-Gala District, Lawe Alas District and Babul Rahmah District.

The Head of the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ilyas, said that the floods that hit the area had occurred since August 17, 2023.

"Dampak bencana tersebut, akses jalan tidak bisa dilalui karena air masih tergenang di badan jalan, terbantanya jembatan di desa Kuta Buluh, jebolnya embankment Sungai Lawe Kinga di Desa Buah Pala, dan jebolnya embankment Sungai Lawe Alas di Desa Pedesi serta SD/MIS terendam banjir," kata Iiyas dalam keteranganya, Selasa 22 Agustus.

Ilyas explained that the flood also damaged about 746 hectares of rice (ha) and around 119 hectares of corn. In addition, the Lawe Hijo Ampera bridge was broken, and the road in Lawe Hijo could not be passed because the water was still inundated with a height of about 1 meter.

The affected victims were around 1,759 families (KK) or about 7,313 people. Refugees who have been recorded are around 326 people.

BPBD Southeast Aceh has distributed 115 packages of panic assistance in the form of rice, sugar, blankets, sarongs, Indomie, ready-to-eat food, and bread.

"Officers have also installed tents at several disaster locations and installed public hydrants of clean water in several flood locations. For the latest conditions, some water locations are still inundated," he explained.