Again Viral, UIN Alauddin Makassar Lecturer Asked Elephant Ear Flowers During Thesis Consultation Students

MAKASSAR - Viral conversations via the WhatsApp application between Alauddin Makassar State Islamic University (UIN) lecturers and their students. This lecturer was said to have asked for expensive flowers during the thesis consultation.

"Friends said that it is being investigated," a student told reporters, Tuesday, February 2.

He agreed that there was an incident when a lecturer asked for expensive flowers during the thesis consultation.

"A lot of it is circulating, the news is that it is, the lecturers are like that, while friends are investigating the truth, while looking for this information too, because we just knew from yesterday that it was reported that there was an issue like this," he explained.

The student, whose identity must be kept secret, explained the incident that occurred against students of the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UIN Makassar.

The lecturer reportedly wanted to bring flowers in a pot when a student wanted a thesis consul. The lecturer who allegedly asked for flowers is the Elephant Ear flower.

"Elephant ear flower," answered a lecturer in a conversation when students asked what flower the lecturer wanted before the student wanted a thesis consultation.

VOI has tried to contact the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) UIN Alauddin Makassar Dr. dr. Syatirah Jalauddin. But there has been no response