Survivors Of COVID-19 Are Enthusiastic Of Convalescent Plasma Donors In Surabaya

SURABAYA - PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER) held a blood donor and plasma convalescent COVID-19. There were 184 people who donated conventional blood and plasma.

"From the estimated quota of 100 blood donors and 50 convalescent plasma donors, 120 blood donors and 64 convalescent donors have actually penetrated," said PT SIER Operations Director, Didik Prasetiyono, Tuesday, February 1.

Didik said that the blood donation action was held to celebrate the National K3 Month. He hopes that this activity can become a forum for donors who want to help others.

"Not only regular blood donors, but also conventional plasma donors, which are currently being needed by COVID-19 fighters. Let us help each other and strengthen each other in facing difficult times in the pandemic era," he said.

This activity was held in collaboration with PT SIER with PMI Surabaya, ikafe Unair, ITS COVID-19 Handling Team, the Indonesian Donor Friends Community and the Healthy Indonesiaku Foundation. Didik was grateful that the activity was attended by the community with enthusiasm to donate blood.

"Convalescent blood plasma is very effective in helping cure positive patients with COVID-19, while getting plasma donors is quite difficult. Not all COVID-19 survivors can become donors. Hopefully this can help PMI meet the high demand for plasma," he said.

Joko Prasetyo, one of the committee members, said that this event also prepared vitamin goodie bags, free medical check-ups, tumblers, masks, and so on. The opening of this blood donor is planned to be opened by Whisnu Sakti Buana Plt Mayor of Surabaya.

Several Forkopimda are also present here to ensure that conventional blood donors are needed to reduce the death rate for COVID-19 victims. He said, this conventional plasma therapy is believed to be able to help the recovery process for patients with corona virus infection.

"Plasma positive COVID-19 patients who have recovered are able to eliminate or mobilize the virus so that the circle of infection is cut off. It is hoped that donor recipient patients can avoid the virus attack, and then repair the damaged tissue to increase the immune system," said Joko.