PDIP Goda PKB Wins The Same Presidential Candidate After Cak Imin Meets Ganjar

JAKARTA - After the PDIP presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo met with the General Chairperson of PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin yesterday, the PDI-P began to tease PKB to be in the same line to win the same presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. According to PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah, the meeting of the two was a signal of PKB support to Ganjar. Moreover, he said, Cak Imin's friendship relationship with Ganjar was quite close. "Of course, from this long history of friendship Gus Muhaimin and PKB were moved to support Mas Ganjar," Said said to reporters, Saturday, August 19. Although, he continued, the issue of supporting support, let alone choosing a national leader candidate, is not enough just a friendship capital. However, Said assessed, Cak Imin will consider the track record, work achievement, and support of the people towards Ganjar. "I think Gus Muhaimin will really consider supporting Mas Ganjar," said Said again. Not to mention, Said added, the results of the Political Indicator survey mention that many PKB voters support Ganjar Pranowo compared to other presidential candidates (readpres) such as Prabowo Subianto and Anies Baswedan.
"If we refer to the survey recently released by Political Indicators, as many as 40.3 percent of PKB voters chose Mas Ganjar. Meanwhile, those who chose Pak Prabowo were only 30.5 percent and Mas Anies Baswedan was 25 percent," he explained.
Said assessed that the survey results could be an evaluation material for PKB to provide support for Ganjar. "Moreover, the PKB and PDI-P voters have the same character. The biggest segment is among the lower class, the little wong group," he said.
Meanwhile, in terms of personal closeness, said Said, Ganjar and Cak Imin had a long friendship journey. Where both of them were members of the DPR in 2009, before Ganjar was assigned to take part in the 2013 Central Java gubernatorial election. "So actually Mas Ganjar and Gus Muhaimin are old friends. Moreover, they have also studied together at the UGM FISIPOl," he said.
"So if Gus Muhaimin and Mas Ganjar find it easy to meet, and click easily, it's because they both have a history of friendship since students, continuing to the DPR," continued Said.
Therefore, Said hopes that PKB can return together with PDIP in the 2024 General Election as happened in 2014 and 2019.
"This political element will also make it easier for the PDI-P and PKB in one line in the 2024 election. Hopefully, PKB will become part of the political parties that together with the PDI-P win the same presidential candidate, as happened in 2014 and 2019," he concluded. It is known, Ganjar and Cak Imin met on Friday, August 18, afternoon. This is based on a photo uploaded by Ganjar Pranowo on his Instagram account. However, the location of the two meetings was not mentioned.
In his upload, Ganjar explained that he spoke at length with Cak Imin.
"It's been a long time since I'm talking to Cak Imin for a long time," wrote Ganjar.
Ganjar also gave a red and green love bird to Cak Imin.