Pantangan Makanan Penderita ISPA Agar Tidak Terjadi Irritasi Di Saat

YOGYAKARTA - Acute respiratory tract infections or ISPA are health problems in the form of infections that occur in the respiratory tract. When you are attacked by ISPA, it's a good idea to go to a doctor immediately and pay attention to the food consumed. Patients can pay attention to the dietary taboos of ARI sufferers.

Patients with ISPA are required to rest enough and consume a lot of mineral water. In addition, it is recommended to eat healthy foods that contain vitamin C. Patients are also advised to pay attention to the taboos of food for ARI diseases, namely foods that have the potential to add irritation to the throat. Some types of foods and drinks that should not be consumed when suffering from ISPA are as follows.

The spicy food has the potential to irritate the throat so that ARI patients need to avoid it. The effect will get worse if the patient chokes on spicy food that causes pain. The effect of spicy on good food on chili at which pepper is better avoided while to avoid irritation in the throat area.

Fried foods or other oily foods are highly not recommended for ARI patients. The reason is, oil has the potential to make itch throats and inflammation to worsen ARI. It is recommended to eat healthy foods that do not involve too much cooking oil. Examples of fried food are French fries, fried tempeh, and so on.

This type of drink as a whole is not too good for the body, the same is true if consumed by ARI patients. Cold-carbonated drinks can trigger pain in the throat. Try to cure thirst with water.

Foods that contain too much sugar trigger cough, so it is not recommended to consume this type of food excessively when suffering from ARI. Instead, patients can eat fruit that tastes sweet like mangoes, watermelons, and so on.

In addition to food, it is recommended to avoid drinks that contain artificial sugar. Currently, there are many drinks that use artificial sweeteners. These substances also contribute to the buildup of fat and have the potential to trigger irritation in the throat. Examples of drinks with artificial sweeteners are boxed tea, soda, BOBa, and so on.

Avoid while foods that taste too acidic such as balimbing or vinegar on empek-empek. This type of food also has the potential to irritate the throat and extend the ISPA treatment period.

Although ARI is caused by the virus, foods that are too hot and cold are better avoided in order to prevent throat inflammation. It is recommended to eat foods with a cold and warm level normal.

ISPA patients are advised not to snack carelessly because the use of flavoring on food is uncertain. Foods with excessive taste in general are not good for consumption, especially if they are consumed regularly.

It is recommended to wash food ingredients purchased from outside, both traditional and supermarket markets. Non hygienic foods not only have the potential to transmit the virus that causes ARI but also worsen the patient's condition.

That's information related to the dietary diet of ARI sufferers. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.