KPU Will Announce The Name Of The DPR-DPD 38 Provincial Candidate Starting Tomorrow

The General Election Commission (KPU) has set a list of candidates (DCS) for members of the DPR and DPD for the 2024 General Election.

"Today, Friday, August 18, 2023, the KPU has determined a list of temporary candidates for members of the Indonesian House of Representatives and members of the DPD RI from 38 provincial electoral districts," said Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asy'ari at a press conference at the Indonesian KPU Media Center, Jakarta, Friday, August 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

Hasyim explained that the names of the candidates for the DPR and DPD who entered the DCS will be announced on 19 23 August 2023. Announcements will be made through a number of media determined by the KPU.

"The KPU will announce to the public the wide list of candidates temporarily through the media determined by the KPU, and also through the websites owned by the KPU and also the KPU social media," he said.

Along with the announcement, the public can also look into the names of the candidates who will enter the DCS.

"Since it was announced tomorrow, from August 19 to 28, 2023, citizens, Indonesian citizens have been given the opportunity to observe, provide responses, and input on the names of these candidates," said Hasyim.

Furthermore, KPU member Idham Kholik explained that the determination of the DCS was carried out after going through three stages, namely the initial period of submitting a list of candidates for legislative members (caleg), the period of improving documents for the requirements for legislative candidates, and the period of planting DCS designs.

The number of candidates, said Idham, has decreased from the initial stage to the stipulation of DCS. This is because there will be candidates who have not met the requirements (BMS) and do not meet the requirements (TMS) based on the results of verification.

The total DCS DPR for the 2024 election determined by the KPU is 9,925 candidates. Of that number, said Idham, the average female DPR RI candidates reached 37.3 percent.

Meanwhile, the total DCS DPD for the 2024 General Election determined by the KPU amounted to 674 people who would be legislative candidates.

"In the DCS draft, which we will announce tomorrow, a total of 674 will be (scaleg) with details of 540 men and 134 women," said Idham.