Ministry Of Defense Gives Approval To The AGO To Thoroughly Investigate The Asabri Case Which Caused Losses To The State IDR 23 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) supports efforts to investigate suspected corruption cases in PT.Asabri's financial and investment management by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

The Ministry of Defense also supports the Attorney General's Office in investigating this case completely. Thus, the case will be light and whoever plays in this case.

"The Ministry of Defense fully supports efforts to enforce a fair and just law against anyone involved in Asabri's corruption, regardless", said the spokesman for the Indonesian Minister of Defense, Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak to reporters, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 2.

With a thorough investigation of this case, he said, because Asabri is the one who manages the funds for TNI Soldiers. Those who have been maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The Defense Ministry does not want this bad precedent to happen again, especially since there are TNI soldiers' rights who have been protecting the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia", he said.

Dahnil said, since this case began to be investigated by the Attorney General's Office, his party had coordinated with the Ministry of BUMN. This is to ensure that TNI funds are safe.

"Since the beginning, Mas (Dahnil). Money and rights of soldiers in Asabri are safe", he said.

As previously reported, the Attorney General's Office has named eight suspects in the alleged corruption case of the Indonesian Armed Forces Social Insurance (Asabri). Two of them are former President Directors of PT Asabri, namely Major General (Purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri and Sonny Widjaja.

Meanwhile, for the other six suspects, namely, BE as former finance director of PT Asabri; HS as Director of PT Asabri; IWS as Head of Investment Division of PT Asabri; LP Managing Director of PT Prima Network; BT and HH.

This alleged corruption case occurred from 2012 to 2019, PT. Asabri has worked with several parties to regulate and control Asabri's investment funds in share purchase investments of IDR 10 trillion through affiliated parties and IDR 13 trillion investment in mutual funds.

This was done through several investment management companies (MI) in a way that deviated from the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.

This case is thought to have caused state financial losses worth IDR 23 trillion

The act is suspected to have resulted in state financial losses as stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes.