The War Drum Has Been Beating, Facebook Will Sue Apple For This

JAKARTA - The feud between Facebook and Apple is heating up. Previously, Apple issued a new policy that made third-party applications such as Facebook have to ask iPhone users for permission before retrieving data.

Mark Zuckerberg accused Apple of abusing power for forcing Facebook to follow special rules from the App Store. On the other hand, these rules do not apply to Apple-owned applications as reported by Business Insider.

Not only that, but Apple is also considered to be forcing developers to use one payment system. Facebook also accused the policy issued by a company led by Tim Cook that would harm advertisers on the App Store.

According to a report from Business Insider, Facebook confirmed the proposed lawsuit in this regard. They also say that Apple has a monopoly.

"We believe Apple is acting in an anti-competitive manner by using controls over the App Store to make a profit at the expense of app developers and small businesses", accused Facebook.

The company owned by Mark Zuckerberg believes Apple's policies will make it difficult for the ad industry for small entrepreneurs to get more users. Facebook is also concerned that revenue from advertising will decline due to the effect of Apple's new rule.

Facebook Invites Other Companies

Apparently, Facebook is not fighting for this alone. The game development company that was affected by this rule last year, Epic Games will also sue Apple. Epic Games accuses Apple of doing unfair business.

On the other hand, Facebook is also encouraging other companies with the same fate to file anti-monopoly suits. Facebook urged Apple to want to change the App Store rules.

Meanwhile, Apple claims that its new rules are to ward off rampant malware and fraud attacks.