5 Behaviors Of Nia Ramadhani At The TikTok Award Indonesia 2020 That Annoyed Netizens

The TikTok Award Indonesia 2020 event took place Monday, February 1. However, there are still many netizens who feel annoyed because Nia Ramadhani was considered a failure when she became a host with Raffi Ahmad.

Videos of Raffi and Nia when hosting the event went viral on various social media platforms. Netizens call Nia unprofessional as a host.

Even in the video comments section shared by the Youtube channel RCTI - ENTERTAINMENT, Nia was immediately flooded with blasphemy. Almost all the comments that came in discussed how bad Nia's attitude as the host that night.

At least, there are 5 behaviors of Nia at the TikTok Award Indonesia 2020 that annoyed netizens. Here's the explanation.

1. Only Raffi Who Did The Talking

In his remarks, Raffi introduced the guests of honor and also the judges who were present at the studio. However, several times Nia was seen interrupting for several reasons. "Hey, stop talking, let me do my part", said Nia.

2. Does Not Know The Guests of Honor

In the midst of that moment of introduction, Nia also admitted that her eyesight was bad so that she did not know who the guests were in front of her.

"You know what? I am so embarrassed, I can't see anyone at the front clearly", said Nia.

3. Taking Too Long Introducing The Nominees

"And the nominees... Sorry, I'm also a nominee, you know. Nominees are judged based on the total number of followers", said Nia. Raffi also tried to break the ice by balancing and complementing Nia Ramadhani's words.

4. Eyesight Excuse

Nia then admitted that her eyesight was bad so that she could not recognize who the guests of honor were in her presence. She also clearly gave Raffi part of the task because of the problems she was facing.

"Wait, I have to be honest with you. I have bad eyesight. That's why I can't read this. Maybe you should read this for me", added Nia.

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5. Always Tag Along To Raffi

The Indonesia TikTok Awards 2020 were held without spectators to maintain a distance. As hosts, Raffi and Nia explained that the event was held while still implementing health protocols. "We're wearing masks, and keeping our distance", said Nia. However, what Nia said was not in line with her gesture which was always close to Raffi Ahmad.

Raffi replied that they had to maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter by spreading their right hand. The effort succeeded in making Nia stay away from Raffi.

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