What Is A Mahaputera Star? This Is An Explanation, Terms, To Recipients In 2023

YOGYAKARTA President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conferred an honorary sign in the form of Mahaputera Stars to six recipients. The award for Mahaputera Stars itself was given to six people and held at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday, August 14, 2023. Then, what is Mahaputera Star?

In Law Number 20 of 2009 concerning Titles, Services, and Signs of Diversity, Mahaputera Stars are awards from the country given by the President, while recipients can be someone, unity, government institutions, or organizations for their darmabakti and their broad loyalty to the nation of the state.

Quoted from the cultural award site.kemdikbud.go.id, Mahaputera Star is referred to as the highest Honor after the Honorary Sign of the Star of the Republic of Indonesia. There are two criteria for prospective Mahaputera Star recipients, namely as follows.

Prospective recipients of the awarding of Bintang Mahaputera must meet the requirements divided into two, namely general requirements and special conditions. The general requirements for obtaining the awarding of Bintang Mahaputera are as follows.

Meanwhile, the special requirements for the recipients of the Mahaputera Star award are as follows.

In addition to the requirements above, prospective recipients of the awarding of Bintang Mahaputera must also meet the administrative requirements, namely as follows.

As is known, in commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, President Jokowi gave a Mahaputera Star Honorary Sign to six recipients. The award is based on Presidential Decree No. 67/TK/2023. The six recipients of the Mahaputera Star Honorary Sign are as follows, citing the official website of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

That's information related to Mahaputera Stars. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.