Deputy Minister Of SOEs Disbursed BTN Syariah Will Spin Off Before Holding Its Shares By BSI

Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) I Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed that currently the Ministry of SOEs is still discussing the plan for BTN Syariah to join or merge with Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI).

Tiko, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo's nickname, said that before entering the planned merger, BTN would first release the Sharia Business Unit (UUS) or BTN Syariah through a spin off scheme.

"One of the concepts we are proposing is that BTN will still spin off first with the form they will use the license bank that already has sharia. That is being initiated," Tiko told reporters, written Tuesday, August 15.

After the process, continued Tiko, he only talked about efforts for BSI to enter as a shareholder of BTN Syariah.

"Later, BSI will also enter as a shareholder. So in two stages, BTN sharia will spin off by looking for the shells of existing Islamic banking companies, moving their large assets. Then BSI will enter as shareholders there," he said.

Currently, continued Tiko, the study is still rolling. He also could not confirm the possibility of BSI controlling the shares of BTN Syariah.

The Ministry of SOEs, continued Tiko, puts forward the precautionary principle in the plan to merge BTN sharia to BSI. Given, BTN and BSI are two open companies.

"This is being initiated again, this pattern is still being sought. So what I convey is information in the context of the plan, study. Because these are both public companies, so they have to make public announcements first," he said.