Storm, Apple Unlocks Facebook Taking Unauthorized User Data

JAKARTA - Apple has distributed a document entitled A Day in the Life of Your Data. The document reveals how Facebook retrieves and tracks user data via the web and its apps.

Apple revealed that there are about 6 types of trackers (trackers) data tucked into the application. The tracker that is deliberately inserted aims to retrieve personal information belonging to users, such as shopping and traveling habits.

The collected user data is collected, shared, aggregated and monetized. The data processing business is predicted to be of high value, around US $ 227 billion or equivalent to Rp. 3,177 trillion each year.

The document presented by Apple says that the collection of user data comes from the user's daily activities. This is often done secretly so that users are not aware of the data retrieval activity.

One example is when the user takes a selfie. When a photo is being edited using the built-in filter in the application, at that time the tracking access door application opens so that it can access all the photos and metadata that are embedded in the gallery.

If the user posts the photo to social media, the application will connect the user's activity on the internet with a number of other data that has been taken from other applications, including phone numbers and demographics.

This data collection is intended for advertising purposes. So that ads can be displayed on smartphone users precisely and more specifically. Another example, a father who has children will be presented with various advertisements for toys that can be purchased at the nearest store.

The document disclosed by Apple on the Day of International Data Privacy Rights made Apple implement policies to protect the privacy and data of its users by displaying permission requests from third-party applications before retrieving data. This action sparked a dispute with the Facebook boss.