Bobby Nasution's Attempts To Gather At The Gerindra Party

JAKARTA - Bobby Nasution, President Joko Widodo's son-in-law, came to the Gerindra Party DPR faction. He came alone wearing a white shirt.

There, he met with a number of figures in the Gerindra Party faction room. The meeting lasted about 40 minutes. After the meeting, Bobby was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party Sufmi Dasco Ahmad and Chairman of the North Sumatra Gerindra DPD Gus Irawan Pasaribu to welcome curious journalists.

Bobby said that he was visiting for friendship and maintaining good relations. He denied that his arrival was said to have lobbied the party formed by Prabowo Subianto to provide his support in the 2020 Medan Pilkada.

"Gathering is not lobbying. Yes, I live in Medan now. The discussion is Medan," he said, when met at the Gerindra Faction Room, DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, February 21.

"And, hopefully the Gerindra Party can issue this gathering," he said.

The day before this trip, Bobby had the blessing of the Nasdem Party. This support was announced by the Head of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh.

Bobby admitted, in addition to praying and hoping for support, he needed to stay in touch in order to get recommendations from other parties to move forward.

Bobby also met with Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto at his residence some time ago. He hopes to stay in touch again with the Minister of Defense.

"If you can meet, yes. If you meet for a gathering, you definitely (want), don't want to," he said.

In addition, Bobby also admitted that he was trying to meet with the head of the PDI-P, Megawati Sukarnoputri for support. He also registered with the PDIP to advance in the Medan Pilwakot.

"Hopefully we are in communication again, hopefully in the near future we can meet with Bu Mega," he said.

Gerindra Party Decision

Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, said the 2020 Pilkada process started from the DPD and then submitted to the DPP. This applies to all regions holding the 2020 Pilkada, including Medan City. The DPP decision will be made in March.

"We will probably still be in March. Finalization in the DPP for Pilkada throughout Indonesia," he said.

For Bobby, Dasco said, the Gerindra Party had communicated with him several times. However, the decision on who will be carried out is in the Gerindra Party DPP.

"Yes, the name is usually friendship more than once. Communication is also only once, not communication," he said.