Police Pocket Identity Of 9 Hard Water Penyiram Students To High School Students In Pulogadung

The Pulogadung Police have begun to follow up on reports of student victims who were splashed with hard water by a group of other students. The victim with the initials MA reported the incident that happened to him to the Pulogadung Police Headquarters. "The victim has made a report on August 8. Currently, we are still carrying out an investigation effort. Hopefully it will be revealed quickly," said Pulogadung Police Chief, Kompol Andika Muslim, to reporters, Thursday, August 10. Meanwhile, from the CCTV camera footage at the scene, the perpetrators are estimated to be 9 people. They are other school students. The identities of the perpetrators have also been pocketed by the police. "While we are still investigating the perpetrators and we are conducting investigations. This has become our attention and hopefully it will be revealed quickly," he said.

Meanwhile, the Pulogadung Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still examining two witnesses. "There are two witnesses being examined. We are still making investigations, hopefully they will be revealed quickly," he said. Meanwhile, the victim with the initials MA has received medical treatment for the hard water splashes he suffered. "The victim suffered minor injuries and his family has taken him. The information (the incident occurred when) the victim came home from school with his friend," he said.