Kiai-Kiai NU East Java Proposes 5 Names For Vice Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan, There Are Yenny Wahid And Khofifah
SURABAYA - Around 200 kiai and gus throughout East Java proposed five names of candidates for vice president to Anies Baswedan to accompany the 2024 presidential election.
"After we tabayyun and saw firsthand the haliyah of Mr. Anies, we are sure that Mr. Anies is indeed a person with amaliyah ahlusunnah waljamaah or aswaja. Anies is Minna," said KH Nasirul Mahasin Nursalim in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 10.
The statement from KH Nasirul Mahasin Nursalim, Gus Baha's older brother, KH Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim is one of the four items produced from deliberation on the agenda of Enlivening the Safety of the People and the Nation.
The Sidoresmo mistake was handed over directly to Anies Baswedan by KH, Mas Mansur Tholhah.
In the discussion led by Gus Mahasin, they also decided to recommend five names of Nahdliyin residents and cadres to be candidates for vice president who will accompany presidential candidates Anies Baswedan, namely Yenny Wahid, Gus Muhaimin Iskandar, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and MahfudMD.
Of course, he continued, whoever will be chosen, the deliberation participants return their decision to Anies Baswedan himself.
He hopes that Anies, who has blood as Nahdliyin and coupled with the vice presidential candidate from Nahdliyin, the audience of the deliberation hopes for concrete partiality to the world of santri and pesantren.
"Of all the candidates, only Mr. Anies Baswedan has real evidence in the world of education. So, we these kiai trust Pak Anies more for us to entrust our students and pesantren so that they become smarter and more prosperous," said Gus Mahasin.
Finding this, Anies Baswedan thanked the kiai and gus who were present on this agenda. Anies emphasized that in the future the government will continue to increase the government's attention to santri and the pesantren world.
"This student has been around for hundreds of years since before Indonesia's independence. Therefore, the government must give concrete sides to students and pesantren," he said.